When: 5 days in late June 2023
Where: Białowieża Forest & Biebrza Marshes
Who: Anand & Jack from UK
Type of the tour: Late Spring tour
Highlights: a total of ca. 160 species recorded – incl. 7 sp. of woodpeckers (White-backed, Grey-headed, Black, Middle-spotted, Lesser spotted, Wryneck), Hazel Grouse, Nutcracker, Pygmy Owl, Great Snipe, Whiskered, Black & White-winged Tern, Lesser & Greater Spotted Eagles, Little Crake, Citrine Wagtail, Penduline Tit, Bluethroat, Thrush Nightingale, Bee-eater, Tawny Pipit, Turtle Dove, Aquatic, River, Barred & Savi’s Warbler, Collared & Red-breasted Flycatchers, Ortolan Bunting + Bison, Elk.
The trip took place in the end of June and it showed that birding season in NE Poland lasts until early July. We had over 160 species of birds recorded and saw all the targets, many of them were seen around nest sites – incl. Wryneck, Black Woodpecker (exceptional late brood), Penduline Tit, Collared Flycatcher. We also succeeded with difficult for that time of year species like Great Snipe, Nutcracker & Hazel Grouse. On early morning and late evenings we had a few encounters with Elks & Bisons, while in the day time we were searching for butterflies – we even had False Ringlet on the marshes which is an extreme rarity inhabiting only five sites in a whole country. All in all – amazing trip!
Pictures below were taken by Anand Ramesh.