When: 4 days in early June 2023
Where: Biebrza Marshes & Białowieża Forest
Who: Nick from UK
Type of the tour: birds photography (private)
Highlights: Pygmy Owl, Three-toed Woodpecker, Nutcracker, White-backed Woodpecker, Aquatic Warbler + Wolf, Bison, Elk, Beaver.
Nick has contacted me for a photography tour with the biggest targets being Aquatic Warbler, but also White-backed & Three-toed Woodpecker, Nutcracker & Pygmy Owl. We completed the aims, interestingly seeing most of them on the Marshes, but we have also seen more than expected amongst birds (10 Black Storks circling with GS & WT Eagles) as well as mammals (Elk & Bison on the Marshes + Bisons & Wolves seen in the Forest)!
A definite top highlight was evening of Day 2 when we were photographing Aquatic Warblers amongs cacophony of sounds – Snipes, Cranes, Cuckoos, Corn Crakes, Thrush Nightingales, Orioles, Quails & other warblers (River, Great Reed, Grasshopper, Marsh).